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- Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen: Visibility Machines (2015, Hardcover) ebook DJV, DOC, MOBI


"Visibility Machines" explores the unique roles that German filmmaker, video artist and author Harun Farocki (1944-2014) and American artist and author Trevor Paglen (born 1974) play as meticulous observers of global military operations. Investigating forms of surveillance, espionage and weaponry, Farocki and Paglen both examine the ways in which military activities transform and politicize our relationship to images and the realities they appear to represent. The publication contains a number of newly commissioned essays by esteemed scholars who approach the work from diverse thematic perspectives, in addition to texts by Farocki and Paglen, as well as three exclusive visual essays exploring themes emerging from a dialogue between their work.

Read book - Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen: Visibility Machines (2015, Hardcover) in MOBI, DJV, DOC

Drawing upon a detailed understanding of the motivations for the reform process and the relevant case law of the Court of Justice, it is a valuable reference for public sector practitioners, lawyers and others with an interest in what the rules mean in practice.Happy Homemade: Sew Chic Kids features easy-to-follow diagrams, Japanese sewing patterns in English, and simple instructions on how to make twenty super-comfy pieces for both boys and girls.It is a frequent occurrence that a representative will be sent to a station to attend for a single matter but, by the time of their arrival, the client may have been arrested with new offences.This book also covers emergencies, how to avoid health problems, what to keep in a home pharmacy, and how to work best with doctors.- Over 150 common healthcare problems and symptoms--likely causes and how you might relieve them at home- Diagrams to help you recognize problems and, in many cases, treat them quickly and easily- Easy-to-follow decision charts tell you exactly when to see a doctor, Take Care of Yourselfis the world's best-selling health guide, and the only one that has been found to help reduce visits to the doctor.It's full of gentle and relatable humor, and adorably funny full-color illustrations from artist and professional greeting card writer Adrienne Hedger.Finally there s a word for it: "Fidgital" excessively checking one s devices.Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle.