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A woman's heartrending search for her sister Advancing with the suspense and deft reportage of the true-crime genre and fueled by the poignancy of a literary memoir,Finding Susanis Molly Hurley Moran's pointed exploration of the disappearance of her sister and her family's descent into the surreal world of psychics and detectives they once dismissed as the stuff ofLifetimemovies. Susan Hurley Harrison disappeared from upscale Ruxton, Maryland on August 5, 1994. Her body was discovered in the woods of northern Maryland two years later and her death was ruled a homicide. Although Susan's case drew substantial media attentionincluding a spot onUnsolved Mysteriesno one, to date, has ever been charged with her murder. In piecing together a mosaic of Susan's final years, Moran grew to believe her sister was a victim of domestic violence. An academic by trade, Moran employs a scholar's precision and razor-sharp feminist analysis in this valiant effort to come to terms with Susan's life and death and to understand her sister in a way she did not when she was alive. "Finding" Susan refers to both the search for Susan's body and the search for the formative forces of her life. Mirroring elements of high-profile cases from Laci Peterson to Nicole Brown Simpson,Finding Susanis one woman's chronicle of loss and remembrance that arrestingly details the helplessness experienced by families of missing persons and calls critical attention to our alarming blindness to domestic abuse. Including appendixes of domestic violence resources,Finding Susanserves as a guide for concerned family members and friends of at-risk women to help identify the warning signs of domestic abuse. Thirty-six illustrations are a powerful complement to the volume., As outspoken in his day as Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens are today, American freethinker and author ROBERT GREEN INGERSOLL (1833-1899) was a notorious radical whose uncompromising views on religion and slavery (they were bad, in his opinion), women's suffrage (a good idea, he believed), and other contentious matters of his era made him a wildly popular orator and critic of 19th-century American culture and public life. As a speaker dedicated to expanding intellectual horizons and celebrating the value of skepticism, Ingersoll spoke frequently on such topics as atheism, freedom from the pressures of conformity, and the lives of philosophers who espoused such concepts. This collection of his most famous speeches includes the lectures: [ "The Gods" (1872) [ "Humboldt" (1869) [ "Thomas Paine" (1870) [ "Individuality" (1873) [ "Heretics and Heresies" (1874), This work talks about a woman's heartrending search for her sister. Advancing with the suspense and deft reportage of the true-crime genre and fueled by the poignancy of a literary memoir, Finding Susan is Molly Hurley Moran's pointed exploration of the disappearance of her sister and her family's descent into the surreal world of psychics and detectives they once dismissed as the stuff of Lifetime movies. Susan Hurley Harrison disappeared from upscale Ruxton, Maryland, on August 5, 1994. Her body was discovered in the woods of northern Maryland two years later and her death was ruled a homicide. Although Susan's case drew substantial media attention - including a spot on Unsolved Mysteries - no one, to date, has ever been charged with her murder. In piecing together a mosaic of Susan's final years, Moran grew to believe her sister was a victim of domestic violence.

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It makes total sense now to see him become one of the greatest chefs in the world today.Kellie's neighbor Susan Barrett begins every day with fresh resolutions: she won't eat any carbs, she'll go to bed at a reasonable hour, and she'll stop stalking her ex-husband and his new girlfriend.Through archival research and careful visual analysis, Angélica Afanador-Pujol provides a new and fascinating account that situates the manuscript's images within the colonial conflicts that engulfed the indigenous collaborators.It thus emphasizes avant-garde and experimental tendencies, while analyzing them in historical, theoretical, and critical frameworks.The book is organized around three core thematic sections.When war broke out, radical patriots forced John Penn into exile, and he eventually retired to his country home where he waited out the war.In addition, an introduction by series editor Candice Black details the links between Maldoror and the Surrealist movement."It's a nice tome for armchair travel, whisking you off around the country from where you sit or time travel, taking you back to that life-changing decade-lost holiday and old friends." The Japan Times Visit the most compelling cultural and nature sites in all of Japan with this beautifully photographed travel guide.Among the unique features of this landmark book: More than 170 posters from Hal Wert's personal collection A Catalog of Posters and Prints with background information on each featured piece The social and political context of the Obama poster movement and its place in the history of American presidential campaign art Foreword by Ray Noland, the street artist credited with starting the nationwide guerrilla poster movement in support of Obama The interior of the dust jacket folds out into a full-color reproduction of artist David Choe's Hope poster A portion of this book's proceeds fund the National Art Education Association., Winner, Benjamin Franklin Award™ (Independent Book Publishers Association), Political/Current Events categoryInHope: A Collection of Obama Posters and Prints, Kansas City Art Institute professor Hal Elliott Wert unveils one of the largest Barack Obama campaign poster collections in existence.Many glass art how-to books on the market provide precise patterns and instructions for projects that are fairly traditional in technique, materials and style.Two centuries of wealth, literary accomplishment, political leadership, depression, and sometimes suicide established a fascinating legacy that lies behind Walker Percy's acclaimed prose and profound insight into the human condition.By turns hilarious, sexy, and wise, Caroline Angell's remarkable and generous debut is the story of a young woman's discovery of the things that matter most., For fans of Jojo Moyes and Jonathan Tropper, an unforgettably funny and heartbreaking debut that asks, How do we choose between who we want to be and those we've come to love?Find Every Collectible!